A Late Synopsis Of The Angular NG-Conf Day 2

Day 2 of ng-conf was a fair day.  Multiple talks and activities took place all day long.  Not being able to clone myself and see all of the discussions, I set my focus on a particular path for the day.  So let’s take a look at the path I chose. RxJS: The Good Parts The title of…

NG-CONF 2017 Day Three Highlights

Keynote Brad Green spent some time discussing how Google as a company is fully embracing Angular as an application development framework. In fact, the goal is to have all web application development within Google to be using Angular by the end of 2017. He also explained that it makes sense for them to invest so…

NG-Conf 2016 – Day Three Wrap Up

The last day of ng-conf 2016 continued with lots of great information. Some highlights: Daniel Rosenwasser gave a good overview of TypeScript and a little bit of its history. He also demonstrated benefits of using TypeScript with Javascript directly. It can be beneficial in catching things in regular Javascript code (serving a similar purpose to…

The Future of Angular2, and More Updates From NG-Conf 2016

Some highlights of day two of ng-conf 2016: Day two started with a focus on the future of Angular2. No, they didn’t announce Angular3, but they did focus on the work they are finishing up and looking towards the future. For example, work is in progress to build an offline compiler for Angular2 applications. This…

Highlights From Angular’s NG-Conf 2016

I just finished up the first day of ng-conf 2016 and as usual, it has been a great informative conference. Thanks to the organizers, sponsors, and Angular team members for all your efforts. Here are some highlights from today: Brad Green’s keynote address, of course, covered the big picture of the Angular development work. The…

ng-conf 2015 – Office Apps Hack-a-thon

The night before ng-conf 2015 started, there were a number of lightning talks and hack-night activities. You might be surprised to see Microsoft as part of the mix. With the lure of several Xbox Ones to give away, there ended up being 11 teams competing for the prizes. Josh Carroll and I represented “Team Wintellect”.…