Introducing the Spectron Command Line Tool

After some Spectron experience there tends to be some things that can get repetitive when creating Spectron tests. I figured creating a tool to do just that would be handy to have. So I created the spectron-cli npm package. Granted, this command line tool doesn’t do all that much. Currently, it only has two commands to…

Creating Page Files for Spectron Tests

Now that we’ve got Spectron working, let’s add some more to it to help with our testing. One way of doing end-to-end testing is to have a separate file that contains our page objects and any helper functions specific to that page. This will help the readability and maintainability of our tests. The latest code…

End-to-end Testing Electron Apps with Spectron

You’ve built a really awesome Electron application, but you want to include a few automated tests to make sure a regression doesn’t occur? Spectron is here to help! Spectron is Electron’s end-to-end testing library. Let’s see how it we can set it up to use in our own Electron projects. If you want to go straight…