Why can’t I use the “dynamic” C# keyword in Xamarin.iOS?

Occasionally I see this question pop up in various forms; usually an app developer has written some fairly clever code that relies on the dynamic keyword in C#. Their code runs swimmingly on every other platform—and it also compiles just fine for iOS. But when they run the app on a physical iPhone or iPad…

Wildcard inclusions in C# project files

One of the projects I am working on as of late involves hosting a DLR language (IronPython) in a managed application. Our application has dual build targets – one for WPF and one for Silverlight, with nearly identical feature sets. When embedding IronPython in an application there are multiple things to consider from a packaging…

Dynamic objects and Call Sites

In my previous article, I spoke about DynamicMethod. Today I would like to talk briefly about dynamic objects. Despite the similarity in name, these are completely different topics. It is a simple keyword really – “dynamic”. So innocent. So effortless to type. But this new keyword hides some powerful mojo. If you happen to be…