Three Azure-Native Storage Options for Azure Kubernetes Service

Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) is one of the most versatile platforms on Azure. It can be tailored to run just about any kind of workload that you can throw at it ranging from a simple website to big data that requires access to massively scalable compute. One of the options that is most tunable on…
N-Tier App

When to Use a Service Mesh with Kubernetes

If one has been around the Kubernetes space for any significant amount of time, one has probably heard the words, “service mesh” mentioned, or at least some implementation of one such as Istio, Linkered, or Consul. At first, one might wonder why one would need to add something to Kubernetes, an already complex package that…

All The Ways to Run Containers on Azure

Containers are no longer the best kept secret in IT. Practically everywhere I go, I hear of organizations using containers for everything from small projects to mission critical 24×7 applications with 99.999% uptime SLA’s. These kinds of projects all have a myriad of different requirements and drivers that go into making the decision of where…
Docker + Python

Containerize a Python App in 5 Minutes

Python for better or worse has found cemented itself as the lingua franca of data science. With its rise in popularity also comes how it is deployed. Simultaneously with the rise in Python has also been the rise in container deployments. Like Python, containers are being used in data science as well to run processes…
Node Docker

Containerize a Node App in 5 Minutes

Node and Docker are a match made in heaven because the strengths of Node play to the strengths of Docker. Node microservices typically are built on top of the Express web server which can be configured with “just enough” server and run an application. Additionally, the Node package manager, NPM, makes installing and running Node…
swarm vs kubernetes

Why “Kubernetes vs. Swarm” is the Wrong Question

Kubernetes is getting a lot of attention these days. The container industry has coalesced around Kubernetes. And for this reason, many people are giving eulogies for Docker Swarm. While Kubernetes is incredibly popular, the dominance of Kubernetes does not imply the death of Swarm. These two systems do have overlap, but they approach a similar…

Developing a Business Case for Containers

Developing a business case for any technology is not always an easy endeavor. In many organizations, CIO’s, CTO’s, and CISO’s will see the value of adopting new technology strategies, however these are harder to sell to others in the C-suite. Those that don’t fully grasp tech see a lot of costs that they don’t understand…

Choosing Between Containers and Virtual Machines

Containers are simple, but harder to explain. Fundamentally, containers are a virtualization technology and they share a lot of common ground with virtual machines, however the biggest difference between the two is where the abstraction occurs. A VM hypervisor exposes a set of virtualized hardware components like a virtual network card, a virtual hard disk,…

Quick Start for Moby and LinuxKit

Docker has grown wildly in the last few years. It’s gone from a fledgling startup to a billion-dollar company, and now it’s got the attention of the enterprise. A number of changes have happened at Docker too – there’s been a leadership transition as well as Docker giving many of its core components over to…

How to Avoid a Docker Database Disaster

Containers are cool – and everyone and their mother is trying to get on board with them. While many applications are natural fit for containers in many cases, it feels like some applications are forced into containers so vendors can say, “Hey look at me! I do containers too!” This is particularly true of database…