
To Use or Not Use Blockchain

Just say the word “blockchain” and you’re likely to get mixed reactions from all kinds of people. Understanding blockchain and how it works at a conceptual level is key to understanding what uses it has and why one would want to use it. A blockchain is a fundamentally a ledger – that is a list…

Is Blockchain Interest Really Low?

Gartner’s 2018 CIO survey had some pretty damning information when it came to blockchain technology. According to the survey, CIO’s in general have very little to no interest in blockchain technology. The media naturally noticed this and reported it as a wet blanket being thrown on the blockchain hype. Something about this though did not…

Interfacing .NET and Ethereum Blockchain Smart Contracts with Nethereum

.NET is the venerable framework that indie and enterprise developers alike have come to love. The ability to choose a variety of languages as well as deploy to a variety of platforms ranging from mobile to servers makes .NET a great choice for all kinds of applications. While .NET does a lot, it doesn’t do…

Chip Off The Ol’ Blockchain – Chip 2: Deploy a Smart Contract

Most people have probably heard about blockchains and even fewer people probably understand how they actually work. But even so, what makes blockchain technology itself so appealing is not about what you can do with the blockchain itself, rather what you can do with Smart Contracts. Smart Contracts, or “distributed apps” or “DApps” as they…

Chip Off The Ol’ Blockchain: What is a Blockchain? Part 1

Blockchain – just the word seems to stir up confusion.  Because there is so much confusion surrounding blockchain, it’s often hard to get clarity about what it really is and how it works. Blockchain is not that complicated, rather it’s remarkably simple. And moreover it has the potential to fundamentally change the way that businesses…