Fighting For the Cloud: Why Microsoft’s Battle Matters

Microsoft is fighting a US based court order demanding access to email stored on its servers in Ireland and has garnered support from major cloud players including Apple, Amazon, AT&T, and many others.  The results of this fight could change the shape of cloud computing forever. In December of 2013, the US Government hit Microsoft…

A Quick View Into Apple WatchKit

Get a tour of the basics of Apple Watch development! Apple released their much awaited Apple Watch SDK called WatchKit this week.  Through the WatchKit we start to get an idea of just what the Apple Watch is capable of and also what it’s not.  Here are some of the things to know to help get…

Has Apple Jumped The Shark?

Last week’s iPad/Mac announcements have left more than a few people wondering “Where’s our one more thing?”  This follows a less than mind blowing iPhone launch in which Apple released hardware that by modern smartphone standards is 3 year old technology.  Apple was even beaten to the punch on wearables with Samsung, LG, and Motorola all releasing…