Creating a Machine Learning Web API with Flask

In our previous post, we went over how to create a simple linear regression model with scikit-learn and how to use it to make predictions. But, that’s not very useful for anyone other than the creator of the model since it’s only available on their machine. In this post, we’ll go over how to use…

What Facebook Disconnecting Microsoft Really Means

There’s been no shortage of click-bait on the Internet last week about how the changes to Facebook’s API has affected Microsoft’s support for integration from Windows 8.1 and Windows Mobile.  The reality is that this disconnection of synced contacts and email will have very little impact on Windows users unless they have a strong aversion…

Microsoft Announces New Azure App Service

Microsoft is announcing Azure App Service today, a consolidation of existing Website and Mobile services as well as some exciting new services for workflows and APIs. Microsoft is making it easier to build apps for any device on their Azure cloud service by consolidating several existing services into a unified model called Azure App Services.  Azure…