A Late Synopsis of The Angular NG-Conf Day 1

April 5-7th 2017 marks the 4th year of the Angular conference ng-conf. This year’s ng-conf marks my first year attending, w00t w00t to that.  From the first day’s rapid-fire talks, the tone of the conference, and I think for Angular in general, is set for the year.  Some of the major takeaways from the first…

Introduction to Angular 2

Jump start your Angular 2 development Wintellect’s Eric Greene presented a live webinar this week an “Introduction to Angular 2” which included live coding demos. Angular 2 is the latest JavaScript UI framework for building cross-platform, single page applications. Utilizing TypeScript, the concepts of Web Components, Reactive programming with Observables, and advanced change detection powered…

AngularJS 2 Beta Announced

Santa’s elves aren’t the only ones working hard this December, as the AngularJS team has announced the release of Angular 2 Beta.  This release marks point at which further changes should be minimal and significant applications for production can be built. Through developer preview and alpha we’ve worked closely with several large projects here at…

TypeScript 1.5 Released with More ECMAScript 6 Features

Microsoft has officially released the latest iteration of TypeScript, version 1.5 which includes more support for ES6 features such as modules, destructuring, computed properties, and tagged string templates. In the above table, you can see our progress on the Kangax ES6 support table.  This table, originally for JS engines, also shows coverage of the features…

Build an Angular 2 App: The Root Component

Build an Angular 2 App: The Root Component Angular 2 is in active development right now, but is still in an alpha state. In fact, at the time of writing this article, the alpha 31 release was just cut. There are a lot of things in flux, but the platform has enough meat on it…

What Javascript Framework should you be using?

What Javascript Framework should you be using? This seems to be the question everybody is asking … and everybody seems to have a different answer. I’m here at ng-conf 2015. Is AngularJS the answer? Angular has a particular opinion about how to build a Javascript application. But other popular alternatives exist. Ember.js prescribes a set of…

ng-conf 2015 – Office Apps Hack-a-thon

The night before ng-conf 2015 started, there were a number of lightning talks and hack-night activities. You might be surprised to see Microsoft as part of the mix. With the lure of several Xbox Ones to give away, there ended up being 11 teams competing for the prizes. Josh Carroll and I represented “Team Wintellect”.…

Top 5 AngularJS Frustrations

AngularJS may be the latest JavaScript framework darling of the web world, but like all technologies it comes with its share of frustrations. AngularJS has exploded onto the web world with no small help from Google such that its hard to imagine doing a web based application without giving it at least a passing consideration.…

AngularJS and Benefits to the Development Team

A few days ago, I found myself in the position of talking with a team about the benefits we’ve seen using AngularJS in developing web applications. There are so many popular choices out there, React, Ember, KnockOut, Backbone, jQuery, etc., etc. These are all solutions that can help a team build very capable web applications.…

Dependency Injection Explained via JavaScript

When learning a new framework I often find it is useful to examine the source, use the framework, then go into a separate project and build the functionality from scratch to better understand the motivation behind the framework and what it may be saving me by using it. Angular is no exception. There are many…

Silverlight: Where Do We Go From Here?

Silverlight made its debut in 2006 with the confusing acronym WPF/E (that’s Windows Presentation Foundation, Everywhere). Indeed the original dream was that a slimmed down version of the .NET Framework could run as a plugin in any browser (including smart phones) and enable developers to wield their weapons of XAML, data-binding, and C# to write…