Tech on Fire: Azure Container Registry and Container File Systems

Having your own container registry for container images ensures better control over security and quality. Azure Container Registry does this with a turn-key solution with a lot of value-added features. In this video, we’ll look at Azure Container Registry and how container file systems play into making registries work to save time and space.

Kubernetes, DAPR, and Azure Identity Example – Part V

Continuing from part IV of our series, this post will incorporate the DAPR runtime services into the application. The source related to this post is contained in the azure-and-dapr-identity-example repo. Incorporating DAPR Up to this point, nothing we’ve done included DAPR. We’ve just used Kubernetes definitions to assemble the application components. DAPR provides a number…

Kubernetes, DAPR, and Azure Identity Example – Part IV

Continuing from part III of our series, this post will walk through setting up simple back-end services, including a configuration service as well as services that require user authentication. It will also include a service that calls the Microsoft Graph on behalf of the authenticated user. We will be using .NET Core v5 application to…

Kubernetes, DAPR, and Azure Identity Example – Part III

Continuing from part II of our series, we will next walk through setting up user authentication using Azure Active Directory. The source related to this post is contained in the adding-authentication branch of the repo. Creating an AAD Application We will need to register an application with Azure Active Directory. The following are links to…

Kubernetes, Dapr, and Azure Identity Example – Part II

Continuing from part I of our series, we will next step through building a simple, front end web application, deploying it to the Kubernetes cluster, then exposing it to the outside world via a Kubernetes Ingress. The source related to this post is contained in the building-frontend-app branch of the repo. Building a Web Front…

Kubernetes, Dapr, and Azure Identity Example – Part I

Introduction In this series of posts, we will walk you through setting up a static website (SPA), user authentication using Azure Active Directory (AAD), and simple authenticated services, all within a Kubernetes cluster using DAPR services. The source code is located at There are separate branches related to the different posts. This example was…

Tech on Fire: Intro to Containers on Azure

Containers are one of the most popular ways to deploy applications. Microsoft has made containers an integral part of the Azure ecosystem. In this video, you’ll get a brief introduction to containers and a demo on how to create a container, push it to a registry, and then deploy it to Azure Container Instances.

Creating a Tagging Strategy for Azure

Azure has many controls out of the box that helps tailor the experience to an organization on Azure. Such controls include Azure Management Groups for organizing subscriptions, Azure AD with Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to manage access to Azure resources, Subscriptions and Resource Groups for organizing resources, and Azure Policy to enforce compliance and augment…

Azure Policy as Fast as Possible

Azure out of the box comes with a number of controls that allow users to shape permission on Azure through roles and role assignments. These roles control what actions a user can perform, but it does not limit what these actions can do within their given scope. For instance, RBAC can be used to configure…

Tech on Fire: Introduction to Azure Container Instances

Azure Container Instances provide a no-infrastructure-required platform to host containerized applications. Everything for running containers is handled as a first-class object on Azure and provides tight integration with other services like Azure Storage, Key Vault, and VNets. In this video, we’ll do a deep dive into Azure Container Instances to show you how you can…

Tech on Fire: Azure Application Insights

Monitoring applications in production can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Azure Application Insights takes the pain out of monitoring apps by collating client-side, server-side, and database telemetry. A single portal allows you to see how your app is performing and drill down into the data to find out information about…

Tech on Fire: Azure Functions With Azure App Services

Azure Functions are Microsoft’s serverless solution, providing an event-driven programming model that simplifies developing APIs and integrations. Going serverless helps get developers out of the business of having to configure, maintain, and scale servers while also improving application development agility.