Hands-On Predictive Analytics with Python

Predictive analytics is an applied field that employs a variety of quantitative methods using data to make predictions. It involves much more than just throwing data onto a computer to build a model. This course provides practical coverage to help you understand the most important concepts of predictive analytics. Using practical, step-by-step examples, we build…

Machine Learning Essentials with Python and Spark

Machine Learning Essentials with Python and Spark is a foundation-level, three-day hands-on course that teaches students core skills and concepts in modern ML at scale practices, leveraging Python and Spark.  This course is geared for attendees new to machine learning who need introductory level coverage of these topics, rather than a deep dive of the…

Building Recommendation Systems with Python

Recommendation systems are at the heart of almost every internet business today; from Facebook to Netflix to Amazon. Providing good recommendations, whether its friends, movies, or groceries, goes a long way in defining user experience and enticing your customers to use your platform. This course shows you how to do just that. You will learn…

Algorithms of the Intelligent Web | Building Intelligent Web Apps

Algorithms of the Intelligent Web is a hands-on Applied Machine Learning & AI course that teaches you how to create machine learning applications that crunch and wrangle data collected from users, web applications and website logs. Leveraging the most current standards, skills, and practices, you’ll examine intelligent algorithms that extract real value from data. Key machine…