One can hardly read tech news, listen to a tech talk, or go to a tech conference and not hear about containers. The technology has undoubtedly reshaped the way applications are packaged and distributed. However, with this rise grew a need to manage container at a large scale and build resilient infrastructure to host containers, and thus container orchestration was born.

Where container orchestration is concerned the winner is clear: Kubernetes. Kubernetes grew out of Google and is now a part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation as a seed technology. Kubernetes as a platform comes with its own set of assumptions, and the learning curve on it is not trivial. Fortunately as it has matured, ramp-up has also improved dramatically and now developers and IT Pros can start learning this important technology that can no longer be ignored.

In this webinar, we’ll give you a primer on Kubernetes and show you how to get started using Kubernetes for container orchestration. We’ll talk about the pieces of Kubernetes, show you how they work together, and finally show you how you can get your containers running on Kubernetes locally and in a hosted environment.