Has Microsoft’s Recent Successes Inspired New Developer Enthusiasm?

For years Microsoft was seen as a corporate monster gobbling up young startups and generally stumbling into markets either too early, as in the case of tablets or too late, as in the case of smart phone hardware.  As a result companies like Apple, Google, and Samsung now rule the consumer electronics space and with them have…

Microsoft Windows 10 Hardware Event – Live Blog

Join us tomorrow morning as we offer our first Live Blog of a Microsoft event.  You’ll get all the updates as they happen right here.  The show starts at 10:00 AM EDT. See you there!   (function() { var lb24 = document.createElement(‘script’); lb24.type = ‘text/javascript’; lb24.id = ’24lbScript’; lb24.async = true; lb24.charset=”utf-8″; lb24.src = ‘//v.24liveblog.com/embed/24.js?id=1304887’;…

3 Microsoft Surface Pro Tips

Microsoft Surface may be the tablet that can replace your laptop, but it’s still a tablet.  As a result, there are some new buttons and interactions to work with to provide you with quick access to features of Windows 8.1+.  Here are three tips that you can use with your Surface that you might not…