Using XAML in F# Xamarin Forms – A Screencast

Now that we’ve seen the awesome new stuff in Xamarin Studio for F# let’s go a bit further and actually use some of those improvements to our advantage. However, instead of just a regular blog post, I thought it’d be worthwhile to do a screencast for y’all. You can view the demo code directly on…

F# Improvements in Xamarin Studio

With the (almost) stable release of Xamarin Studio 6 comes a ton of great new improvements. I absolutely love the new dark theme! However, some huge improvements were made to the IDE for F# support, as well. Improvements that I feel may have gone without much notice. So I wanted to help get those improvements…

A Quick Look at F# In Visual Studio Code

It’s F# Advent time again! This is a yearly event the F# community comes together for the month of December and each person releases an F# related post on a day of their choosing. Today is that day for me this year. With the recent announcement at Microsoft’s Connect() conference, Visual Studio Code now has…

Automating Xamarin Builds with FAKE – Part 1: Introduction and Setup

Being a .NET developer, I’m sure one of your pain points throughout the development process in any project has been trying to setup automated building, testing, and even deploying. However, build tools have been evolving much like other development tools and have been getting much, much better. I’m sure most of you have heard of…

Unit Testing Your Xamarin Forms Applications with F# and FsUnit

One of the best and easiest ways to use F# in your projects is to use it for unit testing and the same can be said for your mobile applications with Xamarin. While C# has FluentAssertions as well as Should (I prefer the syntax of FluentAssertions between the two) F# has FsUnit to give more…

Exciting New Things in F# 4.0

With the latest news of the release of Visual Studio 2015 some folks may not have realized but included in it is the newest release of F# 4.0. The .NET Blog has also officially announced the RTM. The most exciting thing about this release of F# is that, since F# has been open source for…

Combining F# and Xamarin Forms to Create Mobile Applications

While we certainly have been busy getting our hands dirty with Xamarin I’ve been doing some of my own. However, I’ve been messing around with using Xamarin with F#. I mentioned in a previous post that F# can be used very well for enterprise applications. Here’s an in depth look at F# with Xamarin for…

Using F# for Enterprise Applications

Though I have posted a few times on some of the awesome things F# can do for your code, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s always good choice for each of your applications. You may look at the code features and and some sample code and think This is great, but I can’t see this being…

Access Data Easier with F# Type Providers

One of the most interesting things about F# is their type providers. Don Syme, just a couple of years ago, did a post giving examples of using 12 type providers that is still quite relevant. Just taking a look at these examples you can see how easy it is to get started with them when…

Implementing Interfaces in F# Using Object Expressions

To expand on another topic that was mentioned in the F# Infographic is that F# also has the ability to use any .NET library. From that, you may be wondering, “what about implementing interfaces that may come in other libraries?” Of course, you can create classes in F# if you need but there’s a more…