Installing VSTS Build Agents on macOS

If you’re doing Xamarin, macOS (OS X), or iOS development work you’ve likely discovered that you need a way to automate the build of your code from Visual Studio Team Services. If you’re not familiar with setting up a private build agent macOS, the installation instructions provided by Microsoft can be a bit confusing. This…

Build, Test, and Deploy .NET Apps with Docker

I had the privilege of presenting at the Atlanta Code Camp this year on .NET and Docker. This talk covered some of the low level components that would be used to build out a DevOps pipeline for .NET apps in Docker — everything from building an app, testing and app, and pushing that app through…

Creating Recoverable TFS Backups

One of the things I’ve come to appreciate most about the cloud software-as-a-service solutions is that it can reduce work. Although there’s still a need for IT, some tasks – such as performing backups – are provided by the vendor. If you’ve ever tried to backup a Team Foundation Server by hand, you have can…

DevOps: Connecting VSTS to Azure

DevOps is about increasing efficiency and eliminating barriers. There’s a lot of convenience in deploying directly from Visual Studio Team Services into the Azure cloud. With plugin based build and release pipelines, it’s very easy to quickly configure a release and see the results online. You can quickly configure a release to deploy to Azure;…

Cloud Foundry for Azure Released

Microsoft has announced general availability of the open source DevOps platform Cloud Foundry for Azure.  Microsoft has worked with the Cloud Foundry community to provide Resource Manager Templates to enable fast deployment of BOSH tools. By merging the Azure Cloud Provider Interface (CPI) into the upstream, open source Cloud Foundry repository, Cloud Foundry on Azure…

What Developers Need to Know About Docker

Docker is an application virtualization service based on features of the Linux operating system.  It provides a way to share a host OS, and using a virtualized filesystem, install and run Linux based apps in an isolated environment called a container.    The following diagram shows how Docker is different from Virtual Machines. Docker Architecture Docker…

Connect with Microsoft’s Visual Studio Team on November 12th and 13th

Microsoft announces Connect(), an online developer event to showcase the future of software development with Visual Studio! Microsoft announced today that Visual Studio and the next version of its developer toolset will be the centerpiece on November 12 of an event called Connect(); in New York City. Microsoft CVP of the Developer Division, S. “Soma”…