Master Python’s Async Features

Python’s async and parallel programming support is highly underrated. In this webcast, we will introduce the entire spectrum of Python’s parallel APIs. Then we will focus in on the most promising, most useful, and modern feature of Python’s async capabilities: the async and await keywords. During the webcast, we will build a small application that…

Taming Asynchronous Tasks in JavaScript with Zone.js

I recently learned about a new project by the Angular team called Zone. This project is one of those rare gems that is only a few lines of code but is so groundbreaking it literally takes time to wrap your mind around it. The easiest way to get started with Zone is to watch the…

Coroutines for Asynchronous Sequential Workflows using Reactive Extensions (Rx)

I’ve been doing quite a bit with Reactive Extensions (Rx) for Silverlight lately. One idea that I keep exploring is the concept of creative intuitive sequential workflows for asynchronous operations. You can read about my explorations using Wintellect’s own Power Threading Library in this post along with a simple solution using an interface and enumerators…

Asynchronous Commands in Windows Store Apps

The Model-View-View Model (MVVM) pattern is more popular than ever and is built into the Visual Studio templates for creating Windows Store apps. Developers familiar with Silverlight already encountered the platform shift to using asynchronous operations because it was impossible to generate a WCF client with synchronous methods. The Windows Runtime (WinRT) takes this further…

The Task: Async and Await in a Windows Runtime World

In my last blog post, I covered how to wrap your arms around the Task class and its relationship to the new async and await keywords. I mentioned that the post was focused on the .NET Framework only because the Windows Runtime handles these operations differently. In this post, I’ll cover what those differences are.…

Silverlight 5 RC – Using the Task Parallel Library (TPL)

One enhancement that quietly slipped into the Silverlight 5 RC is the inclusion of Tasks. This is not the full-blown Task Parallel Library (TPL) to my knowledge (as it lacks the Parallel class and extensions) but it does provide Task, its related factories, and the functionality to chain and monitor tasks. The purpose of the…

Using the Task Parallel Library (TPL) for Events

The parallel tasks library was introduced with the .NET Framework 4.0 and is designed to simplify parallelism and concurrency. The API is very straightforward and usually involves passing in an Action to execute. Things get a little more interesting when you are dealing with asynchronous models such as events. While the TPL has explicit wrappers…

Silverlight and WCF Service Consumption: Event vs. APM

I’ve blogged several times about how I like to handle services in Silverlight. For two key posts, take a look at: Abstracting Service Calls in Silverlight 3 (works well for 4, too) Simplifying Asynchronous Calls in Silverlight using Action In this post we’ll explore the difference between using the actual contract for a WCF service…

Sequential Asynchronous Workflows Part 2: Simplified

I received quite a bit of feedback related to my sequential asynchronous workflows post. Most people asked if I could simplify the example even more and/or show the inner workings of the coroutine engine itself. Because the source for the library I demonstrated in the last post is not available, I’ve put together a very…

Simple Dialog Service in Silverlight

I noticed on the forums there are a lot of users not comfortable with asynchronous programming who struggle a bit in Silverlight with getting their arms around the concept of a dialog box. In other environments, you can simply shoot out a dialog, wait for the response, and continue. In Silverlight, of course, the action…

Simplifying Asynchronous Calls in Silverlight using Action

This post explores a way to encapsulate web service calls from Silverlight in a way that is easy to use and understand. As anyone who works with Silverlight knows, Silverlight forces web service calls to be asynchronous. There is a good reason for this, which I won’t get into with this post. What I would…

Power Threading Library (AsyncEnumerator & SyncGate), .NET Rocks! and SideShow

Recently, I have been updating my Power Threading Library by adding some new features, fixing some minor bugs, and improving the documentation and sample apps to demonstrate its features. I am particulary proud of my AsyncEnumerator class which allows you to write asynchronous code using a synchronous programming model. With my AsyncEnumerator, you can, with…