Introduction to Angular 2

Jump start your Angular 2 development Wintellect’s Eric Greene presented a live webinar this week an “Introduction to Angular 2” which included live coding demos. Angular 2 is the latest JavaScript UI framework for building cross-platform, single page applications. Utilizing TypeScript, the concepts of Web Components, Reactive programming with Observables, and advanced change detection powered…

Using Redux to Manage Angular2 Application State

In this post, I want to focus on managing application state. In the example application, I tried to create an application that had a reasonably complex user interface (“complex” is relative here, of course). The user interface needed to show where changes in one area of the page had immediate impact on other areas. If…

Angular2 Series

As we add posts in the Angular2 series, this post will get updated. Big Ideas Behind Angular2 Container and Presentation Components in Angular2 Yes, I used jQuery in my Angular2 application Using Redux to Manage Angular2 Application State  

Yes, I Used jQuery in My Angular2 Application

An astute observer has probably noticed that I’m using jQuery in my Angular2 example application. “The horror! Revoke his Angular2 license now!!” I’m in no way saying this is a best practice or even a good practice. Including jQuery is not required or even desirable for most Angular2 applications. Angular1 had a dependency on jQuery…

Container and Presentation Components in Angular2

Angular2 has a strong emphasis on components. An application is made up of a tree of components, starting from the root component and working down to child components. This helps to organize your application into logical and manageable pieces. Complex user interface can be broken down into smaller components, assembling them together, to better organize…

Big Ideas Behind Angular2

When I first started using AngularJS (way back in version 0.8, I believe), I was continually impressed at what it could do. The team I was working with at the time had many discussions on how this young framework could be used effectively within our project. We found ourselves experimenting with different techniques and slowly…

Build an Angular 2 App – Data Binding Syntax

In our previous article about building a simple application in Angular 2, we laid the foundation for moving forward and covered all the very basics about bootstrapping your application. However, it’s more or less a hello world application, and that, has been done already a number of ways. The goal is to build a small…

Build an Angular 2 App: The Root Component

Build an Angular 2 App: The Root Component Angular 2 is in active development right now, but is still in an alpha state. In fact, at the time of writing this article, the alpha 31 release was just cut. There are a lot of things in flux, but the platform has enough meat on it…

Angular2 Databinding is Fast!

I’ve been working with the Angular2 alpha ever since ng-conf 2015, and it has been pretty awesome to see how the framework is shaping up. I’ll be the first to admit that the bleeding edge tax is high, but it has been worth it to see just how powerful the next version of Angular is…