Design Patterns and Idioms in C++

This class will introduce students to a few of the most common Object-Oriented Design Patterns and Idioms used in C++. You will learn how to leverage proven solutions to common re-occurring problems and a common vocabulary to describe a software system. As part of this process, students will obtain key insights in how to design…

Moving Up to Modern C++: An Overview of C++11/14/17

This introduction to Modern C++ surveys additions to the C++ language introduced in C++11, C++14 and C++17, featuring support for Increased code clarity (lambdas, uniform initialization, auto, new OOD control) Improved performance (rvalue references, move semantics and perfect forwarding) Concurrency (multiple threads, synchronization techniques, asynchronous task support, condition variables and atomic types).

C++ for Non-C Programmers

Designed for those who can’t commit a separate week to learning C first, this C++ training is a whirlwind introduction to C and C++. It offers programmers an opportunity to learn and use the most essential components of both languages in one fast-paced, integrated week of hands-on training. This instructor-led course begins by introducing the…

C++ and Object-Oriented Programming

This 5-day course provides a thorough introduction to the C++ programming language. A complete sequence of working samples are used to demonstrate concepts presented in the course guide. Lab exercises are provided with detailed instructions and working solutions. If you are leveraging C++ to create applications on the job or on your own, this course…

Effective Modern C++ Programming

Truly understanding C++11 and C++14 requires more than just familiarizing yourself with auto type declarations, move semantics, lambda expressions, concurrency support, etc. You also need to learn how to use those features effectively so that your software is correct, efficient, maintainable, and portable. That’s where this seminar comes in. It describes how to write truly…

Effective C++ Programming

This intensive seminar, based on material in Scott Meyers’ landmark books (Effective C++, More Effective C++, and Effective STL), explains how to use C++ effectively, and how to create libraries and programs that are correct, efficient, portable, maintainable, and extensible.

Introduction to C++ and Object-Oriented Programming

This course explores the key features of the C++ programming language and object-oriented concepts. The course starts with a review of the key language features of C++, followed by essential object-oriented concepts. A complete sequence of working samples are used to demonstrate concepts presented in the course guide. Lab exercises are provided with detailed instructions…