Less Defects with F# Units of Measure

One of the most powerful things that F# has is its ability to create custom units of measure. F# allows you to set an explicit type to a unit. That’s right…you will get compile time checking on any of the units that you use within your app...

My Introduction To Data Science With F#

You may have seen a big boom lately with web technologies, especially with all of the JavaScript frameworks coming out at a pace of around one a week. But there is another boom you may have heard about…data science. Now I’ll be the first t...

Using the F# Interactive

Another item that was on the F# Infographic was the use of the F# Interactive or also called the FSI. The interactive window is basically a REPL for F#. A few languages have these of their own, including Python and Ruby. If you’ve used the Interm...

F# Community Projects

Many of you may have certainly heard about F#, and as you may have seen from the previous F# Infographic, it definitely has one awesome community. I'd like to expand a bit on the community to highlight what they have all accomplished. While the F# Soft...

JavaScript Garbage Collector Presentation

I was lucky enough to be able to give my first technical presentation at the Carolina Code Camp, and it was definitely a great experience. When thinking of a topic for this event, I felt it would be best to learn something new and to learn something that I actually wanted to learn and not something…

Head First Design Patterns – Part 1: Observer Pattern

My thoughts on patterns I’ll be honest with you…I never did like design patterns. I never got on board with it and, instead, just coded away like I thought I was supposed to do. Now, I realize they’re a bit of a necessary evil to learn, for the main reason just to be able to…