
To Use or Not Use Blockchain

Just say the word “blockchain” and you’re likely to get mixed reactions from all kinds of people. Understanding blockchain and how it works at a conceptual level is key to understanding what uses it has and why one would want to use it. A blockchain is a fundamentally a ledger – that is a list…

Tech on Fire: IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS on Azure

Tech on Fire with Blaize In this episode Blaize will discuss what Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) entail, and how these relate to cloud computing.

Take a Spin on Azure IoT Hub

In this webinar, you’ll get a survey of Azure IoT Hub and the suite of tools surrounding it. With this knowledge, you will be able to approach it with confidence when considering your next IoT project.
.NET Core

Creating a Daemon with .NET Core (Part 2)

This little project is a practical implementation of a blog post I wrote about implementing daemons in .NET Core. This daemon is a .NET Core console app that is using a Generic Host to host an MQTT Server based on the code in MQTTNet, which has become my go-to library for MQTT for .NET apps…
.NET Core

Creating a Daemon with .NET Core (Part 1)

Daemons are as essential to servers as caffeine and pizza are to developers. The executables run as services on a server waiting to receive input usually from a network call, and respond to it by providing something back to the the user who called it.  .NET Core is the venerable cross-platform development stack for Linux,…

Security Best Practices for Docker Images

Docker Hub is a blessing and a curse at times. It’s a great way to share Docker images to the public, but it can be used by hackers to sneak code into environments with malicious intent. Recently, a hacker uploaded images into Docker Hub that were downloaded over 5,000,000 times. The intent was to turn…
Burnt Computer

Using Rclone with Azure for a Low-cost Backup

While backups are often one of the most overlooked planks in a comprehensive data security plan, they are are probably among the most important things one can do for data security. It’s works as an insurance policy against data loss which can be caused by a myriad of things ranging from accidental deletion, to drive…

Using OpenVPN on Azure For a Low Cost, Private VPN

A personal VPN is a nice way of securing traffic between your device and the Internet. Securing your traffic is good for several reasons including safe browsing when one is away from a trusted network like one’s home or office. Untrusted networks would be those at coffee shops, airports, hotels, public libraries, and other places…

Is Blockchain Interest Really Low?

Gartner’s 2018 CIO survey had some pretty damning information when it came to blockchain technology. According to the survey, CIO’s in general have very little to no interest in blockchain technology. The media naturally noticed this and reported it as a wet blanket being thrown on the blockchain hype. Something about this though did not…

Interfacing .NET and Ethereum Blockchain Smart Contracts with Nethereum

.NET is the venerable framework that indie and enterprise developers alike have come to love. The ability to choose a variety of languages as well as deploy to a variety of platforms ranging from mobile to servers makes .NET a great choice for all kinds of applications. While .NET does a lot, it doesn’t do…